Tuesday, June 22, 2010

World War I on the Home Front

Propaganda is everywhere, you cannot go anywhere without seeing one of George Creel's propaganda posters. The posters usually depict the atrocities that those horrible Germans' cause over in Europe. The posters and billboards significantly rally the men and women of all ages to support the United States against the Devilish German people during this Great War. There is not a single Monday in which I can go outside and not hear people reinforcing "Meatless Mondays" and that goes the same with "Wheat-less Wednesdays". This voluntary cutback on the foods and materials that we all so love, in effort of the support of our troops is such a privilege. Another sight that would be unusual before the war, but is a common occurrence now is the "four minute men" that were sent out by George Creel. These so called "four minute men" are long-winded speakers that can rally the citizens of this great land. I can even admit that these men can enlighten and can rally up citizens to gather for this noble cause. The supreme court ruled in Schenck v. United States, a person can be denied the right of free speech during times of war.

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